Browse our selection of case studies showcasing the vital work being undertaken by Working Conservationists in lowland areas across the UK.

A Shining Beacon of Hope
The Peppering project is delivering the holy grail of farmland wildlife.

Ancient Woodland Restoration
Restoring woodland on a small farm in East Sussex.

Eleven Ponds and Counting
Passing on a family passion for conservation.

How to Plant a Million Trees
A wildlife paradise on the North Wessex Downs.

A Haven for Hampshire Lapwing
Taking an intelligent approach to predation management in the Avon Valley.

A Turtle Dove Triumph
Graham Denny keeps his 200-acre Suffolk farm an oasis for rare summer visitors.

Rewilding the Test
From a chalk stream to a woodcock wood, Richard Wills is a conservation champion.

Donside Ducks
John Riley’s love of digging ponds
attracts some unusual avian visitors.

Big-scale bird food
On Exmoor birds are thriving thanks to land managers Darren Ninnis and Pete Stanbury.

Ratty’s Return
Rob Denny recruits an army of volunteers to bring water voles back to the Monnow.

The Bird Man of Cors Caron
Terry Mills turned a Ceredigion sheep farm into a habitat haven for wildlife.

A Pioneer with a Passion for Partridges
Applying science to dramatically increase birdlife on a Scottish farm.

In the Footsteps of Gilbert White
Farmers joining forces to save their local species.

Greening Welsh Grassland
Denbighshire dairy farmer Ant Griffith says a new approach to agri-environment schemes could reverse wildlife declines.

It’s Not Rocket Science!
Grey partridge conservation projects are often associated with great estates, but it can be done on a smaller scale.

Working with People to Save Waders in the Avon Valley
In five years the farmer-led Waders for Real project managed to reverse the decline of lapwing and redshank in the Avon Valley.

Countryfile’s Working Conservationist
Adam Henson believes we must bridge the growing knowledge gap about where our food comes from, if we are to feed the nation and restore the environment.
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